Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Maven Plugin APIThe API for plugins - Mojos - development.
Maven ModelModel for Maven POM (Project Object Model)
Maven Model BuilderThe effective model builder, with inheritance, profile activation, interpolation, ...
Maven CoreMaven Core classes.
Maven SettingsMaven Settings model.
Maven Settings BuilderThe effective settings builder, with inheritance and password decryption.
Maven Artifact-
Maven Aether ProviderThis module provides extensions to Aether for utilizing the Maven POM and Maven repository metadata for artifacts resolution and download.
Maven Repository Metadata ModelPer-directory local and remote repository metadata.
Maven EmbedderMaven embeddable component, with CLI support.
Maven CompatMaven classes maintained as compatibility layer for tools done with Maven 2.
Maven DistributionModule to build the Maven distribution, source and binary, in zip and tar.gz formats.