001    package org.apache.maven.repository.metadata;
003    import org.apache.maven.artifact.ArtifactScopeEnum;
004    import org.apache.maven.repository.metadata.ArtifactMetadata;
005    import org.apache.maven.repository.metadata.ClasspathContainer;
006    import org.apache.maven.repository.metadata.ClasspathTransformation;
007    import org.apache.maven.repository.metadata.MetadataGraph;
008    import org.apache.maven.repository.metadata.MetadataGraphEdge;
009    import org.apache.maven.repository.metadata.MetadataGraphVertex;
010    import org.codehaus.plexus.PlexusTestCase;
012    /**
013     *
014     * @author <a href="mailto:oleg@codehaus.org">Oleg Gusakov</a>
015     * 
016     */
018    public class DefaultClasspathTransformationTest
019    extends PlexusTestCase
020    {
021            ClasspathTransformation transform;
023            MetadataGraph graph;
025            MetadataGraphVertex v1;
026            MetadataGraphVertex v2;
027            MetadataGraphVertex v3;
028            MetadataGraphVertex v4;
029        //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
030        @Override
031            protected void setUp() throws Exception
032            {
033                    super.setUp();
034                    transform = (ClasspathTransformation) lookup( ClasspathTransformation.ROLE, "default" );
036            graph = new MetadataGraph( 4, 3 );
037            /*
038             *       v2
039             *   v1<
040             *       v3-v4
041             * 
042             */
043            v1 = graph.addVertex(new ArtifactMetadata("g","a1","1.0"));
044            graph.setEntry(v1);
045            v2 = graph.addVertex(new ArtifactMetadata("g","a2","1.0"));
046            v3 = graph.addVertex(new ArtifactMetadata("g","a3","1.0"));
047            v4 = graph.addVertex(new ArtifactMetadata("g","a4","1.0"));
049            // v1-->v2
050            graph.addEdge(v1, v2, new MetadataGraphEdge( "1.1", true, null, null, 2, 1 ) );
051            graph.addEdge(v1, v2, new MetadataGraphEdge( "1.2", true, null, null, 2, 2 ) );
053            // v1-->v3
054            graph.addEdge(v1, v3, new MetadataGraphEdge( "1.1", true, null, null, 2, 1 ) );
055            graph.addEdge(v1, v3, new MetadataGraphEdge( "1.2", true, null, null, 4, 2 ) );
057            // v3-->v4
058            graph.addEdge(v3, v4, new MetadataGraphEdge( "1.1", true, ArtifactScopeEnum.runtime, null, 2, 2 ) );
059            graph.addEdge(v3, v4, new MetadataGraphEdge( "1.2", true, ArtifactScopeEnum.test, null, 2, 2 ) );
060            }
061        //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
062        public void testCompileClasspathTransform()
063        throws Exception
064        {
065            ClasspathContainer res;
067            res = transform.transform( graph, ArtifactScopeEnum.compile, false );
069            assertNotNull("null classpath container after compile transform", res );
070            assertNotNull("null classpath after compile transform", res.getClasspath() );
071            assertEquals("compile classpath should have 3 entries", 3, res.getClasspath().size() );
072        }
073        //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
074        public void testRuntimeClasspathTransform()
075        throws Exception
076        {
077            ClasspathContainer res;
079            res = transform.transform( graph, ArtifactScopeEnum.runtime, false );
081            assertNotNull("null classpath container after runtime transform", res );
082            assertNotNull("null classpath after runtime transform", res.getClasspath() );
083            assertEquals("runtime classpath should have 4 entries", 4, res.getClasspath().size() );
085            ArtifactMetadata md = res.getClasspath().get(3);
086            assertEquals("runtime artifact version should be 1.1", "1.1", md.getVersion() );
087        }
088        //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
089        public void testTestClasspathTransform()
090        throws Exception
091        {
092            ClasspathContainer res;
094            res = transform.transform( graph, ArtifactScopeEnum.test, false );
096            assertNotNull("null classpath container after runtime transform", res );
097            assertNotNull("null classpath after runtime transform", res.getClasspath() );
098            assertEquals("runtime classpath should have 4 entries", 4, res.getClasspath().size() );
100            ArtifactMetadata md = res.getClasspath().get(3);
101            assertEquals("test artifact version should be 1.2", "1.2", md.getVersion() );
102        }
103        //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
104        //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
105    }