Guide to using Modello
Modello is a tool for generating resources from a simple model. From a simple model you can generate things like:
- Java sources
- XML serialization code for the model
- XML deserialization code for model
- Model documentation
A typical modello model looks like the following:
<model xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<p>This is a reference for the Archetype descriptor used to describe archetypes's metadata.</p>
<p>The metadata about an archetype is stored in the <code>archetype-metadata.xml</code> file located
in the <code>META-INF/maven</code> directory of its jar file.</p>]]>
<class rootElement="true" xml.tagName="archetype-descriptor">
<field xml.attribute="true">
<description>Name of the Archetype, that will be displayed to the user when choosing an archetype.</description>
<field xml.attribute="true">
<description>Is this archetype representing a full Maven project or only parts?</description>
<description>List of required properties to generate a project from this archetype.</description>
<field xml.attribute="true">
<description>The module's artifactId.</description>
<field xml.attribute="true">
<description>The module's directory.</description>
<field xml.attribute="true">
<description>The module's name.</description>
<field xdoc.separator="blank">
<description>File sets definition.</description>
<field xdoc.separator="blank">
<description>Modules definition.</description>
A fileset defines the way the project's files located in the jar file are used by the Archetype Plugin to generate a project.
If file or directory name contains <code>__<i>property</i>__</code> pattern, it is replaced with corresponding property value.
<field xml.attribute="true">
Filesets can be filtered, which means the selected files will be used as
<a href="">Velocity templates</a>.
They can be non-filtered, which means the selected files will be copied without modification.
<field xml.attribute="true">
<description>Filesets can be packaged, which means the selected files will be generated/copied in a directory
structure that is prepended by the package property. They can be non-packaged, which means that the selected
files will be generated/copied without that prepend.</description>
<field xml.attribute="true">
<description>Encoding to use when filtering content.</description>
<field xml.attribute="true">
<description>A string value that should resolve to a boolean value to conditionally include filesets.
This condition should be either a boolean as String or a velocity template language statement that resolves
to a boolean value. If the descriptor contains includeCondition="${shouldInclude}" and the archetype has
a (required) property like shouldInclude=true the fileset is included.</description>
<description>The directory where the files will be searched for, which is also the directory where the
project's files will be generated.</description>
<description>Inclusion definition "à la" Ant.</description>
<description>Exclusion definition "à la" Ant.</description>
public String toString()
getDirectory() + " ("
+ ( isFiltered() ? "Filtered" : "Copied" )
+ "-"
+ ( isPackaged() ? "Packaged" : "Flat" )
+ ") ["
+ org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils.join( getIncludes().iterator(), ", " )
+ " -- "
+ org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils.join( getExcludes().iterator(), ", " )
+ "]";
<description>Definition of a property required when generating a project from this archetype.</description>
<field xml.attribute="true">
<description>Key value of the property.</description>
<description>Default value of the property.</description>
<description>A regular expression used to validate the property.</description>
To utilize Modello, you would configure the modello-maven-plugin
something like the following where you want to generate the Java sources for the model, the xpp3 serialization code and the xpp3 deserialization code (see modello-plugin-xpp3 for more details):
<!-- Generate the xpp3 reader code -->
<!-- Generate the xpp3 writer code -->
<!-- Generate the Java sources for the model itself -->