
Full name:



Loads classes and/or resources from a custom class loader that holds the project dependencies and records the results in a properties file.


  • Requires a Maven project to be executed.
  • Requires dependency resolution of artifacts in scope: compile.
  • Binds by default to the lifecycle phase: initialize.

Optional Parameters

Name Type Since Description
classNames String - The comma separated set of classes to load. For each specified qualified class name QCN that was successfully loaded, the generated properties files will contain a key named QCN. The value of this key will be the hash code of the requested class. In addition, a key named QCN.methods holds the comma separated list of all public methods declared directly in that class, in alphabetic order and possibly with duplicates to account for overloaded methods.
User property is: clsldr.classNames.
projectClassLoaderOutput File - The path to the properties file used to track the results of the class/resource loading via the project class loader.
User property is: clsldr.projectClassLoaderOutput.
resourcePaths String - The comma separated set of resources to load. For each specified absolute resource path ARP that was successfully loaded, the generated properties files will contain a key named ARP whose value gives the URL to the resource. In addition, the keys ARP.count, ARP.0, ARP.1 etc. will enumerate all URLs matching the resource name.
User property is: clsldr.resourcePaths.

Parameter Details


The comma separated set of classes to load. For each specified qualified class name QCN that was successfully loaded, the generated properties files will contain a key named QCN. The value of this key will be the hash code of the requested class. In addition, a key named QCN.methods holds the comma separated list of all public methods declared directly in that class, in alphabetic order and possibly with duplicates to account for overloaded methods.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: clsldr.classNames


The path to the properties file used to track the results of the class/resource loading via the project class loader.
  • Type:
  • Required: No
  • User Property: clsldr.projectClassLoaderOutput


The comma separated set of resources to load. For each specified absolute resource path ARP that was successfully loaded, the generated properties files will contain a key named ARP whose value gives the URL to the resource. In addition, the keys ARP.count, ARP.0, ARP.1 etc. will enumerate all URLs matching the resource name.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: clsldr.resourcePaths