All Classes and Interfaces

Configurator component to organize steps for archetype creation from a project.
User interaction component to query informations necessary for an archetype creation from a project.
Configurator component to organize steps for project generation from an archetype.
User interaction component to query informations necessary for a project generation from an archetype.
User interaction component for archetype selection.
Selection component to organize steps to choose an archetype.
Crawl a Maven repository (filesystem, not HTTP) and creates a catalog file.
Creates an archetype project from the current project.
Generates a new project from an archetype, or updates the actual project if using a partial archetype.
Display help information on maven-archetype-plugin.
Call mvn archetype:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
Execute the archetype integration tests, consisting in generating projects from the current archetype and optionally comparing generated projects with reference copy.
Build a JAR from the current Archetype project.
Updates the local catalog